Hosted By Steve

WordPress hosting starting at $50/month

Hosted by Steve provides premium hosting for WordPress websites. It's fast, secure, and comes with a ton of bonuses you won't find anywhere else.

Most popular

Standard Premium

$50 / Month

The standard premium package is the most popular option that Steve offers. 

Advanced Premium

$120 / Month

The advanced premium package is for individuals looking for a bit more help.

Ultimate Premium

$250 / Month

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Standard features

Hosted by Steve provides lightning fast, secure, and reliable hosting for your WordPress websites. Along with all the ‘standard’ features you might come to expect with a hosting provider, you will also get the following features:

Bonus features

This is where Hosted by Steve separates itself from the pack. In addition to all the standard hosting features you would expect, you will also get Steve as your website’s account manager and strategist.

What does this mean exactly?

What else do you offer to sweeten the deal?

Steve normally charge clients $150/hour.

I have worked in SEO and web design for 20+ years and normally charge upwards of $150 per hour when consulting. When you sign up with Hosted by Steve, you get a minimum of $300 worth of value every single month!