Hosted By Steve

Premium WordPress hosting with perks

Not only is Hosted by Steve premium WordPress hosting fast and secure, it comes with extra perks that typical hosting providers will not offer.

What makes this hosting so good?

When you get WordPress hosting for your website from Hosted by Steve, you join my personal network of businesses that I aim to help grow monthly.

It's fast.

It's really, really fast.

The speed in which your website loads is critical for users visiting your website and for search engines that show your content.

Not only is the hosting fast, but Steve knows all the tricks to speed up your website through the use of WordPress plugins.

Steve guarantees that your website will load lightning-fast. 

It's reliable.

It never goes down.

One of the most important things about hosting a website, is to make sure that it’s always available. The last thing you want is to tell someone to visit your site, and the page doesn’t load.

This will never be a problem with our hosting package. There is 24/7 site monitoring to ensure people can always access your website.

It's secure.

Hackers can waste their time.

Having a hacked website can be a nightmare. With Hosted by Steve, rest assured that your website will be safe from unwanted intruders.

Global edge security, daily backups, and the most advanced firewalls will keep your website safe and secure.

It's hands off.

Sit back and relax.

If you don’t have a lot of experience setting up hosting, it can be complicated and overwhelming. Steve has already gone through those motions and learned all the ins and outs, so you can sit back, relax, and let Steve do the heavy lifting.

It's updated.

Stay up to date with the latest versions of everything.

Plugins, themes, and database files are often updated on WordPress to keep things secure and modern. 

Steve will ensure that your website is always up-to-date with the latest versions of everything. These update checks are performed daily. 


Over $300 in bonuses, every single month.

Hosted by Steve offers bonuses that you won’t find from any other hosting provider. These bonuses come directly from Steve through his vast knowledge of maintaining, operating, marketing, and optimizing websites. It truly is a custom experience for every single client on the Hosted by Steve network.

Website updates

Steve will handle basic updates on your website. What does this include? Things like:

  • Updating outdated copy
  • Adding new blog posts to your blog
  • Help to resize and upload images
  • Help styling and making sure your website looks proper on desktop & mobile.

Keyword research

One of the biggest factors for ranking your content in search engines like Google is to find and optimize for the right keywords. 

Steve has 20 years of experience with SEO and doing keyword / topic research. He will help you find the best keywords and topics to write about to help rank in Google every month.

1-on-1 video calls

Every month you will have access to a 20-minute video call with Steve. During these calls, we can chat about whatever you like.

Typically, we’d discuss strategy, your goals, what’s working, and what isn’t. But if you want to chat about sports or the weather, that’s cool too!

Regular tips & tricks

Get access to my newsletter that goes out 1-2x per month. Within these newsletters, Steve provides useful and actionable tips and tricks that can help your website in areas you might not be familiar with.

The latest WordPress news about plugins, AI, SEO, and monthly features will also be shared regularly.

Powered by WP Engine

WP Engine, the best hosting platform for WordPress websites, powers every website on the Hosted by Steve network. Steve has used every host out there, and nothing compares WP Engine technology and performance.

What is WP Engine?

WP Engine is a world-class WordPress hosting company that has won countless awards. WPBeginner gave it an A+ rating citing the only negative was it didn’t offer a free domain name.  Companies like Yelp, Asana, National Geographic, PBS, and MyFitnessPal all trust WP Engine to host their websites.


What makes WP Engine so good? writes, “WP Engine offers exceptional uptime, security updates, cloud platform flexibility, one-click restore points, automatic caching, daily backups, and other premium features. It’s an outstanding option for WordPress hosting.

On top of all the positive press and reviews, I can honestly say I’ve tried every hosting provider under the moon and the only other company that I’d consider using for my websites is Kinsta. With that being said, WP Engine remains at the top of the list.


What is the difference between Hosted by Steve and WP Engine?

The difference between Hosted by Steve and WP Engine is the level of service you get. From a technical standpoint, the hosting from Hosted by Steve and WP Engine is the exact same. When WP Engine gets new upgrades and hosting features, so does Hosted by Steve.

The big difference is that with Hosted by Steve, you get additional perks and bonuses that WP Engine will not offer its clients. This is where Hosted by Steve separates itself from the pack. Every client within the Hosted by Steve network gets access to monthly consulting, research, tips, and advice, typically costing $300+ per month. 

As a result, the hosting service offered by Hosted by Steve is a little bit more expensive than the standard hosting from WP Engine. I believe in full transparency, so I think it’s important to note this. 


Can I use WP Engine directly?

Absolutely! If you do not want to use Hosted by Steve for the extra cost, then I recommend you sign up with the basic hosting plan offered by WP Engine. Click here to visit WP Engine.