Hosted By Steve

Frequently Asked Questions

Steve is an experienced digital marketer, web designer, IT professional, and consultant.

He has 20+ years of experience working for some of the biggest Fortune 500 companies and with small business owners. 

To read more about Steve, visit the About page.

With this hosting service, I only host WordPress websites.

The reason is that WP Engine is specifically tailored for WordPress installations to ensure it’s as fast and efficient as possible.

If you don’t want to use WordPress as your content management system, I’d happily refer you to another hosting service to meet your needs.

With each plan, you get one website domain hosted. Hosting subdomains like are also included and will not cost extra. 

Please see the information found on the Hosting page.

WP Engine is extremely fast and with the right optimizations, your website will load almost instantly. Of course, the speed of your website is also determined by the size of your pages, images, and other assets found within. If you want help making your website faster, I can assist with this.

WP Engine has an extremely efficient architecture that is designed for high-level availability.  After personally using them for over 5 years, I’ve only encountered one instance where my website was down. It was quickly restored within an hour after being down. 

Absolutely! This is included within the Hosted By Steve service.

I will need access to your domain registrar (such as Godaddy, namecheap, etc) where you purchased your domain.  If you do not feel comfortable providing access to this, I can give you step by step instructions on how to implement my server records to get your site up and functioning. 

I might also require access to your WordPress website if we are migrating from another hosting server. 

Unfortunately, I do not provide emails with my hosting plan. However, if you need help setting up an email, I’d be happy to assist.

Please visit the Contact page. If you sign up for hosting, you will also get access to my phone number and email where we can chat via WhatsApp or email exchange. 

Please refer to the Pricing page for details regarding pricing. The pricing is fixed, as noted on the pricing page, but if, for whatever reason, you cannot make a monthly payment, I will work with you under special circumstances.